Saturday, March 23, 2013

Consolation Dress (doesnt really console me)


So maybe all of you have known (or not) that Kalafina's 4th album is out! It contains a PV of Yume no Daichi. And as usual, I was very curious about it. Would it be as boring as Hikari Furu? Or a little revolutionary like symphonia? So I downloaded it right away (piracy FTW!) then watched it.

First impression: Uhhh, another non-story just-stand-and-sing-beautifully PV. At least it's not hellishly plain like Hikaru Furu. The ladies are pretty and lovely like always. The song reminds me of symphonia yet it's calmer. It also reminds me of FictionJunction's songs.

After finished watching it, I closed it. Then went browsing again. It led me to Kalafina's blog, where the ladies just wrote a new post. Including pictures of their album promo.


Then it dawned on me--those're the same dresses they wore in the PV! OhmyGod, their pretty faces and beautiful music had diverted my attention from their attire.

Seriously Kalafina, what happens to your fashion sense? Those dresses look like craps. Like you sewn together whatever cloth you've got. Amazingly disturbing, really. And Keiko, you sure that's not Hikaru's moonfesta dress with additional rags?

But hey, even I must admit. Those uhhh horrible dresses still look good and appealing... if worn by Kalafina ladies. So the saying that 'pretty people still look pretty in whatever attire' proves true.

I just hope they don't stick to these dresses for a long time. I much, much prefer the dresses shown at the back. Seriously.

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